Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ethical Compensation

Employees expect companies to stick to certain standards that represent fairness (Compensation Dilemmas: An Exercise In Ethical Decision-Making 1995). Early efforts of economic views have studied compensation systems over the years. The all-encompassing view at the time was that the best possible compensation systems met the fair days wage for a fair days work criteria. The key for managers and others who design pay systems Is to ensure that pay accurately reflected the economic value added to the firm by a worker.This is where fairness is expressed only in economic terms. Since that time management scholars have developed a much richer understanding of what fairness means to employees and how views of fairness affect their attitudes and behaviors. Compensation systems also play Important social and representational roles in organizations and through these roles pay systems affect a variety of Important outcomes such as the nature of employee commitment and performance and work relat ionships.Given the essential role that compensation systems play in employment relationships, it is also very likely hat they play an important role in shaping whether people feel they are treated with respect, trust, and dignity and whether they believe the values and customs of the organization are worthy of their fullest commitment and highest efforts (Bloom, M. 2004). Could executive compensation be redefined by performance management? â€Å"When no performance measures are defined and documented for company executives, this places no accountability on the CEO to produce measurable results.On the other hand, if performance measures are defined, documented and accountability is laced on the CEO and is tied to compensation this could prove to be beneficial for all involved. While employees are paid based on established Job classification systems, Coo's however arbitrarily negotiate salaries where there Is no cap, but benefactor. The company is injured by way of a harmful image in the eyes of the industry. The consumers of the company's products or services are also hurt. The company may also experience retention problems and stockholders may suffer from financial loss.Also employees are left to deal with disappointment, bitterness and owe morale (Carter, C. 2009). Americans are fuming right now. Pummel by the bind of a painful recession and furious over oversized executive compensation packages at the very Wall Street firms widely blamed for the economic chaos, they gradually distrust key establishments and individual leaders. Americans are angered at the financial services region. They believe that these institutions have rigged the game so that top level executives are rewarded substantially even when they fail. Americans want action to restore fairness to the system and get pay back in line.The variety of experts and activists of political leaders and ordinary citizens, there is a belief that executive incentives have exaggerated short-term performance, supported unnecessary risk-taking, and failed to discipline poor performance. Many believe that incentive plans have tempted some Coos to put personal financial interests in front of good stewardship that provides the long-term interests of their organizations (Ethics Resource Center, 2010). In recent years it has become common for corporate board of directors to recruit a star chief executive officer with an executive severance cage.The severance agreement becomes part of a contractual commitment that is often unrelated to the circumstances of the executive's eventual firing. To complicate matters, severance is often structured as deferred compensation for an executive's earlier successes, before things would eventually fall apart. When a CEO is discredited they always argue that they were not overpaid at termination because the rise in share price they achieved for stockholders during their tenure with the company. Companies should not make severance commitments when hiring execut ives.This will come back to haunt them. This style could make it difficult for firms trying to hire top talent. A CEO with ethics would be embarrassed when receiving an abundant severance after their decisions caused severe anguish to the employees and shareholders (Kipling, K. 2008). Addressing specific errors in compensation plans is critical and identifying the best metrics for measuring performance is part of the answer. Maybe creating an ethical organization is a critical first step that sets the stage for effective compensation plans.Ethical performance should be one of the metrics for determining compel;sensation. Many of the problems credited to failed compensation plans are really about ethical slip ups. I'm not saying that executives intentionally engage in bad conduct. But it can mean that a lack of continuous focus on ethics can induce bad behavior. This behavior can turn into rationalizing decisions without truly centering on the allegations for the long-term well-being of the customers, its employees, shareholders and the company as a whole (Ethics Resource Center, 2010).Executive compensation is not illegal. However the actions of some Coo's and executives can be ethically questionable. From the viewpoint of economic effectiveness, restructuring or even downsizing may be required in order to arrive at specific business goals. Although, making the decision to eliminate Jobs while the CEO is overly compensated for providing inadequate performance is not only feeble make a incredible impact by educating board of directors on accountability in executive packages, compensation and incorporating strategic performance management initiativ

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Effectiveness and Impact of Virtual Teams Essay

Technology is consistently evolving and impacting many organizations worldwide. It has changed many aspects in the workplace, including work styles, communication, and teamwork. Communication has been transformed into the ways of the virtual world, directly affecting group dynamics. Organizations often form teams of employees to serve a variety of purposes and reach goals in a more effective manner than independent work. Teams used to work strictly through face-to-face interactions, but with growing technology, virtual teams have been created and are used fairly often. â€Å"A virtual team is any team whose member interactions are mediated by time, distance, and technology. The core feature is not the technology, but that the team works together on a task while physically separated. Group members can communicate through e-mail, voice mail, video conferencing, electronic bulletin boards, and intranets.† (Levi, 2007, p. 258) Many research studies have been done to assess the effectiveness of virtual teams, examining the positive and negative aspects. This literature review is aimed to analyze several articles where researchers have explored many components of virtual teams and their impact. Vroman and Kovacich (2002) wrote an article that analyzed â€Å"the interactions of a virtual interdisciplinary team.† They explain computer-mediated communication (CMC) to be the basis of virtual teams, which they then compare to face-to-face teams. They examined the Interdisciplinary Training for Health Care for Rural Areas (ITHCRA) project, which is a team comprised of many different types of health professionals (e.g. clinical psychologist, nurse practitioner, nutritionist, etc.) The team’s ultimate goal was to develop an interdisciplinary health care curriculum, solely using CMC. ITHCRA functioned the same as any other team working together would, and faced the same challenges and developmental processes (forming, storming, norming, performing, and transforming). They additionally had to learn the ways of the new communication technology, which was an obstacle for many of the group members. The developmental process of the virtual team was similar to that of a face-to-face team, however, a number of differences were found. The forming phase was very  typical for team development. Team building and norm development took precedent of the project tasks initially. They had met face-to-face once, and after looking at their communication after this occurred, it was obvious they had formed social relationships and were more committed. This raised the question: what would have happened if the face-to-face meeting did not take place? It may have been more effective to have two groups in this study so comparisons could be made (e.g. one group solely virtual, the other group allowed 1-3 face-to-face meetings). It is hard to determine whether certain aspects of team development would have taken place without the opportunity to see their team members in a more personal way. Storming took place as well, which is when teams face certain conflicts. There were no apparent differences for this development in the virtual team. Norming, performing, and transforming phases of development all contributed to the team’s success and helped them complete their tasks and reach their goals. Vroman and Kovacich (2002) provided a good analysis of ITHCRA and the ways in which it was successful and where the members were challenged. They portrayed virtual teams as being more convenient, effective, and less time consuming when completing tasks. However, it allows for less personal contact and can be more difficult for some to communicate and fulfill the expectations of the group project. It may have been more effective to have ITHCRA communicate solely through CMC and compare them to a team with the same tasks and goals, but who communicated through a combination of CMC and face-to-face meetings. More valid results would be accessible to draw more accurate conclusions. It was interesting to use a interdisciplinary team, however, it may have acted as another variable besides CMC, which would then alter the results. Kirkman, Rosen, Tesluk, and Gibson (2004) conducted a research study on the impact of team empowerment on virtual team performance. â€Å"Team empowerment is defined as increased task motivation that is due to team members’ collective, positive assessments of their organizational tasks (Kirkman & Rosen, 2002). They examined team empowerment through the teams potency, meaningfulness, autonomy, and impact to determine its’ impact on process improvement and customer satisfaction. Kirkman et al. (2004) studied a service organization that utilized high technology and frequently formed virtual teams to complete the company’s tasks and goals. Each team member had different roles within the organization and was separated from each  other geographically. The researchers moderated the effects of face-to-face meetings to examine the relationship between team empowerment and both process improvement and customer satisaction. Kirkman et al. (2004) used surveys, observation, a team empowerment measure they had created, and customer satisfaction and process improvement scorecards to test their hypotheses, which were that 1. Team empowerment will have a positive relation to virtual team process improvement, 2. Team empowerment will have a positive relation to virtual team customer satisfaction, and 3. The number of team’s face-to-face meetings will alter the relationship between team empowerment and process improvement (the fewer face-to-face meetings the stronger the relationship), and 4. The number of team’s face-to-face meetings will alter the relationship between team empowerment and customer satisfaction (the fewer face-to-face meetings the stronger the relationship). Their results indicated support for hypotheses one, two, and three, but did not support the fourth hypothesis. The researchers produced a well-designed study with significant, meaningful results that help contribute to the understanding of virtual teams. They operationally defined all of the terms and measures to provide an equal understanding for everyone. It seems that virtual teams have many positive characteristics that are more effective compared to the common face-to-face teams. With the rising technology, virtual teams may become the norm as researchers continue to understand their components and wire them for optimal success. Montoya-Weiss, Massey, and Song (2001) wrote an article on the findings of their research study. They â€Å"examined the effects of temporal coordination on virtual teams supported by an asynchronous communication technology.† They measured the mechanism â€Å"process structure† to determine the relationship between conflict management behavior and virtual team performance. They measured conflict management individually for each team member through a questionnaire they created. They defined their dependent variable, virtual team performance, as â€Å"the quality of the team rationale used to support the team decision.† They examined the range, depth, and organization for each team decision. Lastly, they observed and analyzed all communication among the virtual team. Montoya-Weiss et al. (2001) had five hypotheses total, which were tested through statistical analysis. They predicted that for all conflict management behaviors, a positive interaction would result.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Mathematical problem-solving study on developing mixed-ability Essay

Mathematical problem-solving study on developing mixed-ability students' interest in learning mathematics - Essay Example My study will be carried out using classroom observation techniques, interviews with teachers and mixed-ability students and questionnaires to both students and teachers, to gather data on learning outcomes in actual/real Maths classrooms in the United Kingdom. Mixed-ability students can be divided into three categories: (i) students with low performance in maths (ii) students who can perform well in maths and (iii) mathematically promising students. The phrase, ‘promising students’ here means ‘gifted or talented students’ who, by virtue of their outstanding abilities, are capable of high performance. These are students who require differentiated educational programs and services beyond those normally provided by the regular school program in order to realize their contribution to self and society.1 According to some researchers, these students will have the potential to become the leaders and problem-solvers of the future. Mathematically promising students have needs that differ in nature from those of other students. According to Tomlinson (1995), these students require some differentiated instruction by consistently using a variety of instructional approaches to modify content, process, and /or products in resp onse to learning readiness and interest of academically diverse students. No matter what categories they fall, loss of interest in learning Mathematic especially on certain topic can lead to poor exam result or performance. During my eight years of teaching Mathematics at SOAS College and currently Sayyidina Hasan Secondary School, where I started teaching from lower secondary and currently upper secondary for almost 5 years, I have encountered different types of students. Their characters reflect their ability and performance in learning Mathematics. Some find mathematics education theoretical and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Literature Review Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Literature Review - Coursework Example I have gained deeper and wider understanding of the concept as compared to the one-dimensional thought I had about the concept. I thought literature review involved analyzing the findings of other people’s work. However, I have discovered that it also involves analyzing the theoretical and methodological approaches used by other researchers. Literature review only provides supportive information important for making a foundation for new research. It acts as an update of the level of knowledge on the topic so that the researcher can advance from there. I have done several literature reviews but the most interesting one was on the topic of managing family businesses. The process is challenging, time consuming and requires focus on the specific area of knowledge since important information is mixed up with irrelevant information. Organizing the important pieces of information from each author requires thorough understanding of the topic, focus, dedication, and experience. A good literature review should have smooth and logical flow of ideas, which are consistent, relevant, and appropriate for the study

Saturday, July 27, 2019

RAW #8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

RAW #8 - Essay Example The principle is important because it protects both the companies and workers against exploitation and labor abuse (United Nations Global Compact). This ensures that all parties must have terms governing their contracts to avoid future disputes. The Elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation principle is about equitable treatment of workers without favoritism, prejudice or harassment. As a result, the principle means that organizations should ensure they embrace different opinions and backgrounds of their workers by observing national and local rules (United Nations Global Compact). The adherence to this principle means that they need to set rules that embrace all backgrounds, promote efforts that create a climate of tolerance and have programs supporting staff development on equal bases. This principle is essential in that it informs companies of their roles in eliminating discrimination elements (United Nations Global Compact). This starts from the recruitment to promotion of workers within an organization and across the different communities. In this regard, it is vital to embrace divergent opinions in order to attract appreciation and respect among the

A Marketing Communication plan for an eco-tourism Assignment

A Marketing Communication plan for an eco-tourism - Assignment Example Australia being rich and diverse in natural wonders has immense potential to carve a niche market of its own. It has been targeting nature conscious travelers to explore its beauty. We shall take a look on one of the marketing communication tools that will be effective in the promotion of Eco tourism in Australia. Tourism is one of the largest and most profitable industries that promote the unique blend of nature with culture. .After the dissolution of political embargoes in many countries in Africa and Asia, travelers have realized that there is a world to explore which would showcase the wonders of nature, spellbinding beauty and heterogeneous cultures and tradition. . Before the world experienced the impact of global warming and climate change, tourists were restricted to travel in well advertised areas, buying souvenirs, sending post cards and as a result they become an looker in the traveling process.. That has changed. Travelers are now venturing to destinations that give them the opportunity to be a part of the local ecological system. Tourism directly and indirectly plays a vital role in bridging the gap of different cultures and values and forms a symbiosis of curious minds. It also pertinent to the economic growth of the region. It is a direct and indirect source of socio-economic development of the indigenous people of the place. According to World Tourism Organization statistics, WTO tourism 2020 vision forecasts that international arrivals are expected to reach over 1.56 Billion by the year 2020. Of these worldwide arrivals in 2020, 1.18 Billion will be intraregional and 377millionlong haul travelers. Due to the emission of green house gases , the mean temperature of the earth is slowly rising resulting in the shift of season change and extinction of rare species of the flora and fauna. It is causing irreparable damage and imbalance in the ecological

Friday, July 26, 2019

Global marketing ethic and culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Global marketing ethic and culture - Essay Example hese two giants turned into a contentious issue that included business rivalry, questions over ethics, loss of jobs and nationalistic feelings, to boot. This paper examines the issue from the above mentioned angles and applies management theory to the case where relevant to establish linkages between theory and practice. The first and foremost issue that was raised by the proposed takeover is the fact of monopolistic tendencies arising out of a conglomeration of two business giants. The next issue is that of undervaluation and the correct pricing structure to be applied in such a case. Further, the interests of stakeholders have to be considered as well. Finally, the issue of job losses and nationalistic sentiment playing upon the emotions of the parties involved in the debate has to be considered as well. The proposed takeover and the aftermath of the proposal turned into a business saga replete with all the action and drama one would normally associate with a business thriller. When Kraft first approached Cadbury with an intention to purchase it at a valuation of $16.2 Billion in late 2009, the offer was rejected outright by Cadbury which claimed that at this price Cadbury was undervalued. Subsequently, the offer bid was revised and Kraft even went to the extent of mounting a hostile takeover bid. After a corporate battle that lasted well over two months, both parties announced in January this year that they have agreed to a merger between the two at a valuation for Cadbury at $18.9 Billion. As one of the trade journals put it, â€Å"The historic acquisition of Cadbury International by Kraft Foods Inc. of US has just been concluded. After a five-month siege, Kraft Foods on the 19th of January, 2009 won the highly-publicised battle for Cadbury, turning its hostile approach friendly and securing the support of the UK confectioner’s board in its takeover bid. As the dust settles, industry watchers are asking what this remarkable development holds for the global

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Makeup HW Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Makeup HW - Assignment Example Serfdom-that is what it is-and who wants to be a serf?† (Nadya) They also think that they would not be able to co-exist with each other in the community farms because even in their privately owned farms, they still could not go days without disagreeing when Lukyan said â€Å"Nowadays members of the same family get in each other’s way and quarrel and fight, and here we are, strangers, are supposed to be like one family. Can we-dark, beastly muzhiks-make a go of it without scratching each other’s faces, pulling each other’s hair or hurling stones at one another?† (Nadya) They view the agitators of collectivism as people who are intent on destroying their way of life, wanting them to bend to their rule by force. One of the muzhik said, â€Å"We do as we please. ... They claimed that they exploited the resources for their own benefit and did not think of the future whereas they thought of the future. The Communist Party official said â€Å"Isn’t it about time you stopped thinking each one for himself, for his own piggish hide? You koolaks of course will never become reconciled to a new order. You love to fatten on other people’s blood. But we know how to deal with you. We’ll wipe you off the face of the earth, even as we have the capitalists in the city. Make no mistake about our intentions and our powers. We shan’t allow you to profit from the weakness of the bedniak.† (Nadya) Living through Industrialization The Stalinist industrialization enabled the Soviet workers to move from the countryside to the cities, thrust millions of them into technical institutes where they learnt new skills and nurtured new ambition, provided them with jobs, citizenship and enabled them to venture into politics. The Tatar electri cian stated â€Å"Before October, in old tsarist Russia, we weren’t even considered people. We couldn’t even dream about education, or getting a job in a state enterprise. And now I am a citizen of the USSR. Like all citizens, I have the right to a job, to education, to leisure. I can elect and be elected to the soviet (legislative council). Is this not an indication of the supreme achievements of our country?† (Davis) The criticisms voiced in this excerpt are from the citizens who were the actual labourers and they include the soviet worker who wrote a letter in 1938 when he said, â€Å"However, to be honest, those shouts are mechanical, made from habit†¦ in fact, in his heart, when he comes home, this bawler, eulogist, will agree with his family, his wife who reproaches

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Significance and Impact of the Olympic Games Essay

The Significance and Impact of the Olympic Games - Essay Example which were core elements of Greek military training (Wilson, 2000). The games were considered of such importance that thousands of people would turn up to see the games even when there is war like situation in the region. During such sporting events, all concerned were bound by the Olympic spirit and allowed competitors to travel safely to the venue of the games. This spirit has continued over the years. The ancient games continued till about 393 BC when they were banned, but the sporting spirit once again made sure that another edition of the games began in late 19th Century AD. The history of modern Olympic movement can be traced back to 1896 when the first Olympic Games of the modern era were held in Athens. The recently held Beijing Olympic games is still fresh in the memory of all of us for the spectacular show put forth by the Chinese organisers and the intense competition that took place within the sporting arena. The Olympic Charter states1, "Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles." This in essence sums up the spirit behind the Olympic movement. The Olympic Charter, established by Pierre ... rimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play." The Olympic charter helps in governing the organisation and running of the Olympic movement and sets the requisite terms and conditions for hosting the games. The games are therefore organised with such a spirit that irrespective of the nationality of winners and losers, the games leave such an imprint on all the competitors that they forget all their competitive rivalry and make room for the sportsmanship. London won the hosting rights for the 2012 Olympic Games after a comprehensive and prolonged procedure followed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in line with the Olympic Charter (Chapter 5, Rule 34 and its bye-law - page 70). This procedure basically comprises of two phases; Phase 1: Applicant Cities - under this phase the applicant cities are asked to respond to a detailed questionnaire, which are then evaluated by the IOC to finalise the candidate cities eligible to compete in the second phase. Phase 2: Candidate Cities - under this phase the candidate cities are asked to come out with a candidature file detailing their plans, following the instructions given by the IOC. Each file is then analysed by the IOC Evaluation Commission and a final report is prepared with a list of cities ready for being voted as the chosen one. The summer Olympic Programs are supposed to contain a minimum of fifteen events decided by the IOC. Except in cases of unforeseen circumstances3, 'the Program of sports and disciplines is finalized seven years before each Olympic Games, and the Program of events is finalized four years before the Games'. London has also undergone through a lengthy procedure and finally on 6th July 2005, the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Diversity - Essay Example Although UCSB has the least level of statistics as concerns diversity when compared with other campuses of university of California, there has been increased integration and interaction among the student community. The University has endeavored to make every other person welcome and comfortable regardless of such criteria s race, sex, gender, sexual affiliation or economic well-being (The Facts: Diversity 1). In 2007, the University Of California Board Of Regents adopted a policy statement aimed at making the university achieve diversity among both the students and the human resource personnel in all its campuses including UCSB. This is in the form of Principles of Community statements and policies that control the behavior of both the staff and the students and each campus must inform the persons attending or working in it through any suitable mode including newspapers or through notices. The campuses including Santa Barbara must distribute and reaffirm its commitment to the policies and the principles as well as the initiatives to enhance embracing of diversity within the campus. All campuses of the University of California including the campus at Santa Barbara encourage the setting up of a diverse workforce and student population as well as the diversification in faculty ranks. For example, the UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program encourages students who pursue doctor al studies that are aimed at contributing to diversity are usually rewarded with more scholarships (The Facts: Diversity 2). All the campuses have centers that deal with the affairs of gays, lesbians and transgender studies while most campuses including Santa Barbara have ethnic studies centers to embrace different communities of the student population. At the University of California, Santa Barbara, there is a program to assist freshmen who come from underrepresented groups to meet their academic objectives as well as integrate properly within the campus. The UC Santa Barbara

Monday, July 22, 2019

Literature Review on Lime Essay Example for Free

Literature Review on Lime Essay LIME Grenada Ltd is a well established company that has been in operation since 1989 on the island of Grenada. Currently, LIME Grenada serves a customer base of over 109,000 residents, excluding the large number of visitors to its shores. This company has a significant role to play in bringing the telecommunication services to the nationals of Grenada. They are referred to as the market leader in fixed-line services and broadband services in the state of Grenada. As a result, this company has the competitive advantage of offering the widest range of broadband and fixed-line services. With one competitor namely DIGICEL, LIME Grenada operates as one of the leading providers of mobile technology and as such, facilitates an important aspect on the path towards globalisation. â€Å"Mobile communications have fundamentally changed the way in which we are able to live our lives. The way we work, the way we play, the very way in which we communicate have all changed since the advent of the mobile phone† (Cable Wireless Communications Plc. 010). This company, competing strongly with its market challenger DIGICEL, offers a wide choice of quality, leading-edge mobile devices including the latest blackberry, Samsung galaxy and much more of the latest gadgets used in data and voice services to ensure that nationals of Grenada is on the same level with the rest of world. In terms of fixed-line services, LIME Grenada stands strong since they are the sole provider of this service which facilitates the quick and easy communication amongst nationals themselves and the rest of the world. With the provision of broadband services via fibre-optic submarine cable and satellite system, LIME Grenada proves be very valuable in the transformation of various means of conducting activities. In the education sector, LIME Grenada facilitates E-learning through the provision of internet or broadband services. Students are no longer confined to the walls of a classroom since LIME Grenada makes it possible for persons to pursue education through distant learning via the internet. Individuals are now able to access, interact and share information without the physical classroom. Importantly, this company allows easy access to a wide choice of sources of information for educational purposes to enhance learning and teaching. Added to this, is the implementation of videoconference connectivity to link campuses on the island and thus, allow access to a wider range of programmes to all individuals. This was not possible many years ago, however, with the assistance of LIME Grenada this has become a reality. The education sector is therefore transforming in this rapidly evolving digital society as Grenadians are now privileged to capture and utilize various educational opportunities. In Grenada’s domestic business sector, there is an increasing use of the internet, a key factor propelling ICT use, for conducting business transactions. In the banking sector, LIME Grenada makes available the opportunity for banking institutions to provide 24-hour online services to their customers. Persons can visit the various websites and access their accounts to conduct and view transactions. Among the many companies are Grenada Cooperative Bank, Republic Bank Grenada Ltd and First Caribbean International Bank. Furthermore, individuals and businesses can also conduct electronic commerce (e-commerce) via the internet. One such example of this is Carriasoap. com where numerous electronic, household, office and even party supplies are sold over the internet. Besides the aforementioned, LIME Grenada also provides employment opportunities in the business sector as the company endeavour to meet the needs of its market. In the not too distant future, there is high anticipation for the potential use of the broadband services provided by LIME Grenada to include E-taxation services through the Electronic Governance Regional Infrastructure Project (E-GRIP) within the country. This would comprise persons registering online and obtaining a tax identification number, taxpayers filing their monthly and annual returns online and taxpayers paying their taxes online thereby avoiding long lines. With the introduction of this system, the Inland Revenue Division will provide 24 hour online services to all taxpayers (Mitchell, Keith C. 2013). There is also the potential for development of an ICT knowledge park, the provision of WI-FI service in public buildings such as Government offices, schools, hospitals and police stations, which has already begun as stipulated by Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell in his budget presentation in March of this year. With this, the importance of the telecommunication sector in Grenada is certainly visible. With proper measures in place the telecommunications sector is bound to encourage technology transfer across the globe which results in improved productivity in all sectors and increased standard of living. On the contrary, there are many hurdles that may be faced by LIME Grenada Ltd in the telecommunication sector. With globalisation, competition among mobile operators is inevitable. In Grenada, this is evident with the establishment of DIGICEL, a company offering mobile services to nationals of the country. This has ended LIME Grenada’s monopoly in that aspect and increased the potential for the penetration of other mobile service providers. Although competition amongst companies results in low costs and continuity in bridging the digital divide, LIME Grenada has to critically improve services in order to effectively compete with its rivals. This company has to look critically at the services they can offer and at the pricing strategies they can use so as to counteract the hindrances or threats that new competitors present. They have to effectively monitor their competitor’s strategies and develop many ways to counteract their plans and tactics to gain customers. Another hurdle that LIME Grenada may be faced with is the ability to speedily obtain updated technological and communication infrastructure and to modify operations. As with many other developing countries in the Caribbean region, lack of resources, particularly financial and qualified human resources, may also significantly hamper their development process. The telecommunication sector in Grenada is not alone in facing challenges on the path towards rapid growth and expansion via the globalisation process. According to Hylton, Shallon (2012), in Jamaica the challenges encountered with the provisions of telecommunication services vary in nature. Despite the many employment opportunities, there still remains a shortage of trained and highly qualified workers in the field. There is also the problem of cybercrime ranging from software conspiracy, the spreading of software viruses, software hacking and phishing. In Barbados, the high cost of the underlying transport network is creating a drag on the economy. Service firms are keen on liberalization of telecommunications services. Hotels, tour operators and travel services recognize the need for a state-of-the-art network infrastructure for local and international clients. Banks, insurance firms and retailers are heavy data users that require economically priced telecommunications services to be competitive.. Service companies are already at a disadvantage in the lending market due to regional loan practices that fail to recognize intellectual property and soft assets as a basis for working capital. Barbadian service firms advocate telecommunications reform to lower the cost of communications (Schmid, Linda. 2013). Overall, in previous years, people could not communicate across the world or interact without barriers, delays or difficulty (Hylton, Shallon. 012. p. 3). Currently, the new digital and mobile technologies along with the internet services offered by LIME Grenada allow persons to operate as if the world has no boundaries. Grenada in undertaking the liberalisation of its telecommunication market enhances its competitive position and economic growth and improvements in many sectors. Though there are challenges, the benefits outweigh them signif icantly. The literature exploring the significance and impact of telecommunication in this globalising world is quite extensive. Jeniffer Mohammed in Caribbean Studies– An Interdisciplinary Approach (2007) provides a critical insight into information on globalisation and information and communication technologies (ICT’s) which has guided this research thus far. Mohammed stated, â€Å"What a truly globalized world is about is one where there is a ‘level playing field’, where, for instance, everybody can benefit from the trade in technology. This has been happening with cell phones. From the nomadic people of the Sahara to Caribbean people in shanty towns to fishermen going about their trade, almost everyone uses cell phones to communicate. This is an example of something that has been truly globalized and gives us a good understanding about what globalization as a process is really about. It is not that those groups of people are necessarily communicating globally, but the use of the cell phones is a global phenomenon touching all income groups†. (p. 270). â€Å"Digital technologies, the internet and cell phones truly operate as if the world has no border†¦This is the logical meaning of – globalisation – whether applied to trade, finance flows or communication- for some commodity to be equally available to all, anywhere, as if the nation- state did not exist†(p. 70). Moretti, Marco (n. d), in his writing in Globalisation of Mobile and Wireless Communication: Today and in 2020 (2010) stated â€Å"what is happening to the mobile communication market is a good example of positive globalization: in few years mobile phones have spread all around the world becoming a low-cost tool capable of providing wireless connectivity almost everywhere†(p. 19). â€Å"Mobile communications, thanks to the effect of a globalized process of development, are probably one of the most effective means to close the digital divide†. p. 23). The World Bank in their June 2012 publication stated â€Å"Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have great promise to reduce poverty, increase productivity, boost economic growth, and improve accountability and governance. That promise only grew when ICTs underwent a revolution in the 2000s. Nearly 5 billion people in developing countries now use mobile phones, up from 200 million at the last decade‘s st art, and the number of Internet users has risen 10-fold. People across the globe do much more than chat and play games. They learn where best to fish and what market to sell their produce in. They trace cattle from pastures to supermarkets. They report illegal logging and misuses of local budget. They pay bills, send money back home, and receive cash transfers. They do business on mobile phones. They use ICTs to prevent violence against women—and community radio to empower them. They get state-of-the-art schooling online. Governments can use ICTs to transform public service delivery across sectors—health, education, social protection, justice, agriculture, water, energy, and transport—both central and local. ICTs offer an opportunity to revolutionize public service management by capturing information efficiently in shared databases accessible to all government agencies (such as a national database of electronic identification of citizens). ICTs help governments to simplify administrative procedures and share services (such as citizen authentication and payment systems). And governments can pool resources, reduce costs, adopt common standards for information exchanges, and perform government functions more efficiently (with faster response time and fewer errors)† (The World Bank. 2012).

Slave Ship Essay Example for Free

Slave Ship Essay Rediker’s concern for the individual lived experiences of the participants in the trade is aided immensely by his command of the history of what life at sea is like. While scholars have been using the narrative of Olaudah Equiano to illuminate the experiences of enslavement for decades (Burnside and Robotham 1997), chapter 8 of The Slave Ship titled â€Å"The Sailor’s Vast Machine† contains a learned and astute description of work and suffering at sea. What sticks out is violence, and the shocking degree to which physical and emotional terror was used as a tool for control and psychosexual masochism. Rediker rightly points out that both captives and crew were being exploited by the captain, officers, and sponsors of slave ship voyages, without going so far as to suggest that the sailors somehow had it worse than the slaves. Far from it; Rediker makes clear the degree to which the nascent concept of â€Å"race† was lived out onboard, and relates truly debauched tales of rape, torture, concubinage, and murder of essentially helpless children. Anthropologically inclined readers will find much of interest in chapter 9 of Rediker’s book, titled â€Å"From Captives to Shipmates. The argument is of course not new; Mintz and Price raised it in the 1970’s as have others. In this chapter Rediker discusses favored anthropology themes such as resistance, revolt, music, dance, and other dimensions of the ethnogenesis of African-American culture. On page 305 he observes Slowly, in ways surviving documents do not allow us to see in detail, the idiom of kinship broadened, from immediate family to messes, to workmates, to friends, to countrymen and –women, to the whole of the lower deck. And in so observing, Rediker has given underwater archaeologists of the slave trade and the slave ship a research agenda. It’s an agenda with which I happen to agree and that I have discussed in greater detail elsewhere (McGhee 2007). Rediker ends his book with a discussion of the fight to end the slave trade and with the moving testimony of cast-off and dying sailors being cared for by enslaved people in Caribbean ports. He writes, â€Å"Theirs was the most generous and inclusive conception of humanity I discovered in the course of my research for this book. † I wonder what conceptions of humanity continue to motivate certain anti-treasure hunting nautical archaeologists. The Henrietta Marie and Fredensborg remain the two most representative archaeological examples of slave ships in existence. The former, first located in the water by Moe Molinar a Panamanian of African descent in the employ of treasure hunter Mel Fisher, is particularly important. Yet it took an African-American recreational SCUBA diving club, the National Association of Black SCUBA Divers, to denote and demonstrate that shipwreck’s importance and to bring its significance to wide attention. Properly trained nautical archaeologists still won’t publicly touch that wreck with a ten-foot pole.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Biography of Chanakya (Kautilya)

Biography of Chanakya (Kautilya) INTRODUCTION â€Å"The extraordinary thoroughness of Kautilyas’s work, its eminent inductiveness and practical character, its unflinching logic, heedlessness of adventitious moral or religious standard and its wide range of subjects and interests gave it a unique combination of features..†[1] -D.R.Bhandarkar In Indian history, the centuries to come and that passed by, are recorded many great persons and legendary characters who shaped time through their extraordinary deeds and their excellence in every skill. But among of them, Kautilya may be the only one personality who has been respected and accepted as a brilliant person not only by Indian scholars but also western Scholars too. Kautilya was great political philosopher and thinker. We have been described as a great teacher, shrewd statesman, devoted patriot, deep thinker, ruthless administrator, master strategist, selfless ascetic, ideal philosopher and true saint.[2] He is called all-rounder because he got mastery in all the branches of knowledge. He was well versed in commerce, warfare, Politics, Economics and Vedas. He lived around the third century B.C. but even today his ideas and principles show relevancy and applicability in the present day society. He is a historical milestone in the making of India. Kautilya is the greatest person with wisdom and knowledge. He is regarded pioneer in the field of Economics. The credit of establishment of Mauryan Empire goes to the foresight and knowledge of Kautilya. He was a key advisor and councilor of Chandragupta Maurya, the founder of Mauryan Empire. â€Å"This empire was not merely composed of a number of unrelated districts brought together under single sceptra; it was a real unit based on common government which everywhere not only established the king’s authority but the public good.[3] Kautilya was chief architect of his rise to power so he is called kingmaker too. A man full of vision; he was always prepared for the worst. He had the guts to speak his heart out even in front of the rulers. He himself lived such a life, refusing all adornments, compassion towards the poor and evil to deceit when needed which shows some of his good characteristics of nature. Kautilya was a professor at the University of Takshashila which is located near Peshawar in Paki stan. He was the first man to envision the first Indian Empire by unification of the various small kingdoms in the Indian subcontinent. His prominent works are Nitishastra, Chanakya Niti and Arthashastra. Among these, Arthshastra was most important. He considered economic activity as driving force behind the functioning of any political action. Kautilya was a true thinker who bridged the gap between knowledge and vision. For Kautilya, good governance was supreme. LIFE SKETCH OF KAUTILYA – Unfortunately There is not certainity about the time period of the Kautilya So, details of his birth and life are not dependable and we have to rely on tradition. The expected period of the Kautilya is from 350-283 B.C.E. There are very few real historical facts about his birth and death except that he helped Chandragupta to mount the throne, to strengthen his empire and to unite the Indian states for fighting against Alexander of Macedonia around 327 B.C.E. Chandragupta Maurya established the Mauryan Empire in the year 321 B.C.E. Kautilya was probably born around 350 B.C.E. This shows that Kautilya was junior contemporary of Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.). There is no proof that Kautilya was affected by Aristotleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s idea. Some historians have â€Å"questioning about Kautilyaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s existence†. His place of birth is not assured. Some say that he got the name Chanakya because he was born in China. The Buddhist mentions his birthplace as Takshashila while Jaina scripture mention his birthplace as Chanak in Gola district of South India. According to one version, birthplace of Chanakya was Dravida so one of the Chanakyaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s various names was Dramila. Some believes his birthplace was Patliputra. However, Kautilyaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s birthplace will continue to remain a disputation. Kautilya had two other two names – Chanaka and vishnugupta. As he was born in the village of chanaka, he was called chanakya , Dr. Ganapati Shastri is of the opinion that he was born in the ‘ kutala’ gotra. Hence he was named as Kautilya. His parents gave him the name of Vishnugupta at ‘namkaran’ ceremony.[4] When Kautilya was born, he had blessed with the full set of teeth, which showed that child will become king or emperor. Rishi Chanak was a Kautilya’s father who was learned Brahmin. He was a teacher teacher so he knew the importance of education. He started teaching his son Kautilya in his early age. In his early age, Kautilya was well versed in Vedas; though he memorized them completely at early age, At that ancient time, the Vedas were considered as the toughest scripture to study. He was also taught mathematics, geography and science along with religion. Right from his childhood, Kautilyaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s wisdom and shrewdness was visible and effective. His favorite subject was Politics. Kautilya had seen very difficult circumstances from his childhood. His father,Chanak was erudite, decent and self respected Brahmin. He opposed injustice or immortal deeds. The fraudulent and arrogant king Dhannanda did not like him naturally. The king disparated the rightness of Chanak so he harassed Chanakà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s family for fake reasons. Chanak was put in prison by the king. He died in prison. No one raised a voice against the injustice with Chanak. Kautilya was a very little boy that time. He was extremely sad because of his fatherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s death and injustice happened with h is family. After his fatherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s death, his life was also in danger. So he left Patliputra by taking an oath that he would return and fight against injustice and take revenge against Dhannanda. Kautilya had his education at a famous university of Takshashila which was very reputed one at that time. Being a Brahmin of strong determination anf strong will, he thought to take revenge from Nanda King of Patliputra. He left the capital humiliated and he went to search for a warrior. On his way, he came across the young Chandragupta. He found in the latter a promising young man and started the campaign for his installation on the throne of Magadha. Their First attempt Proved to be a failure. However eventually, Chandragupta regrouped his forces, overwhelmed the borderstates and launched onslaught on the capital. The wicked king- Dhannanda best of Nanda dynasty wa skilled in 322BC. Thus a new dynasty-Maurya was established with Chandragupta Maurya enthroned as the king of Magadha in 321 BC and reigned upto 298 BC. The credit for this victory goes to kautilya widely accepted name whose diplomatic skill and encyclopaedic knowledge of administration enabled Chandragupta, his pupil not only to triumph against the Nandas but also consolidate his empire.[5] [1] Vishnoo Bhagwan, Indian Political Thinkers,Atma Ram Sons publications,p.30 [2] Retrieved from on 20 Mar.2014.11.28PM [3] Paul Masson-Oursel et al: Ancient India and Indian Civilization,p.37 [4] Sankaracharya : Commentary on Kamandaka [5] Vishnoo Bhagwan, Indian Political Thinkers,Atma Ram Sons publications,p.31

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Deception in Jonsons Volpone Essay examples -- Jonson Volpone

Deception in Volpone In Volpone, Ben Jonson emphasizes the fun and the humor of deceit, but he does not overlook its nastiness, and in the end he punishes the deceivers. The play centers around the wealthy Volpone, who, having no wife or children, pretends to be dying and, with the help of his wily servant Mosca, eggs on several greedy characters, each of whom hopes to be made Volpone's sole heir. Jonson's ardent love of language reveals itself throughout the play, but especially in the words of Mosca and Volpone, who relish the deceptive powers of language. Volpone himself pursues his schemes partly out of greed, but partly out of his passionate love of getting the best of people. He cannot resist the temptation to outsmart those around him, particularly when fate delivers him such perfect gulls as the lawyer Voltore, the merchant Corvino, the doddering old Corbaccio, and the foolish English travelers Sir Politic and Lady Would-Be. Mosca too revels in his ability to beguile others, remarking "I fear I s hall begin to grow in love / With my dear self," so thrilled is he with his own manipulations. His self-love, however, proves his undoing, as it does for Volpone. Both characters become so entranced by their own elaborate fictions that they cannot bring themselves to stop their scheming before they betray themselves. Jonson's audience would have recognized both the wily Volpone and the parasitical Mosca as stereotypically Italian. English playwrights frequently borrowed characters from Italian drama and from Italy's comic dramatic tradition, the commedia dell'arte. Venice, the setting for Volpone, evoked the glory of Italian art and culture, but also Italy’s decadence and corruption, which the English view... ...trations were well known to be more than just "a little obscene," as she says. We are encouraged to laugh with Volpone and Mosca at the pretensions and hypocrisies of Lady Would-Be and the other ever-hopeful "heirs"; but ultimately Jonson chooses to punish the deceivers and asks us to side, however reluctantly, with the Venetian Senate in condemning them. Voltore, Corvino, and the others may richly deserve to be tricked, but Volpone and Mosca are not agents of justice, and we must not confuse them with such truly virtuous characters as Celia and Bonario. Nevertheless, Jonson gives Volpone the last word in the play's Epilogue, where Volpone asks our forgiveness, and we find ourselves in complicity with him once again. We are invited in the end to revel in the delightfulness of deception, and of language, and to suspend, if only briefly, our moral judgments.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Personal Success, Seizures, Depression And Suicide :: essays research papers

Before the age of 15, I was as healthy as anyone could wish to be. In my sophomore year of high school, though, my seizures began. Nobody knew what they were at first; they looked as if I was passing out. These â€Å"episodes† as my mom and I were calling them, were finally defined as seizures when a nurse at the hospital saw that during one of my â€Å"episodes† I would clench my jaw shut and my muscles would tighten and shake. Doctors put me on three different medications over the next few years. The first , Dilanton, did nothing for me. The second, Tegratoal, was killing my white blood cells which made me extremely sick. The third , Depekot, worked, but with it came some nasty side affects, and I was still having seizures two to three times a week. I became depressed after a year of having seizures and being told by many doctors that they didn’t know what was causing it. The doctors also didn’t know how to treat it. I missed a lot of school my sophomore and junior year, which was why my grades weren’t what I wanted them to be. My teachers harped at me about not getting my work done. They didn’t understand. I also got a lot of strange looks from people when I walked down the hall. Most of my seizures happened during school. I can’t be positive about when my depression began to reach a climax. Maybe it was when my mom and her boyfriend would yell and scream at each other about how they were going to pay for all the hospital expenses. Or maybe it was all those nights lying in bed listening to my mom cry. Whatever the reason(s), I developed the mindset that I was causing my family all this pain, that it was my fault, I would never get into college, so it would be best if I wasn't around anymore. I felt other no emotion except sadness. I felt as if I were walking in a different dimension. I could see and hear people, but nothing anyone said made any difference to me. Nothing seemed to matter anymore. The world no longer had any color in it; it was all black and white; this is what I saw. I thought about how much better life would be for everyone if I were gone.

Assessing Learners Needs in Education Essay example -- essays research

Units 101 &105 In this essay I shall be examining the importance of accurate initial assessment of learner’s needs. In order to do this it is necessary to correctly identify my learners so that appropriate teaching methods can be structured for them. From there, I shall explore how to best support learners throughout their period of study, both in terms of educational support, and in terms of developing their self confidence. The students I teach are studying toward a 2 year diploma in Creative Sound Engineering & Music Technology at Deep Blue Sound (DBS). It is common for the learners to come from a fairly narrow section of society. Broadly speaking, learners are male, and fall into the 16-25 age range, although there is also at least one learner in his late forties. Group sizes average between 8 and 14. The learner’s first point of contact, and assessment, comes through their application. This will provide us with clues to the potential needs of the student, including their age (and need for supervision), current understanding of the subject, and any appropriate experience or qualifications they may have. From here candidates are invited to an interview, where they are given a full tour of the facilities along with an overview of the structure of the course. The interview stage allows us to assess both their suitability for the course, both in terms of attitude and ability, and gives us an insight into their expectations and requirements, and their potential barriers to learning. For example, those who are not school leavers may well have obstacles to learning that their school-leaving counterparts do not share. As Armitage (1999) observes: â€Å"(Having a continuous learning experience from the age of 5) is generally not the case for the adult learner who may not have been involved in a formal education experience for some time and whose knowledge and expectations of education may only be based on their own school experience. Equally, the adult re-entering the education system at any level has many more outside responsibilities and pressures than the younger FE or HE student.† Applicants will also be tested at this stage for computer literacy. During the enrolment procedure, learners are assessed for literacy using the Smog Readability Formula (McLaughlin, G. 1969: 639-646), in order to bring to light, amongst other things, potential learning dif... ...o all handouts and project briefs in electronic format, so that his computer is able to read them back to him. Once this trust has been established, the line of communication between student and teacher becomes much more free-flowing, effectively facilitating the tutor’s ongoing assessment of the class. In conclusion, in order for us to guarantee a successful and enjoyable learning experience for the student, we must accurately assess the individual needs of the learner, and be aware of how dynamic these needs can be. Through maintaining open channels of communication between students and staff, and by providing the student with a safe place to learn, we can adapt our teaching styles to grow with the changing needs of the learner, as well as providing helpful and meaningful support for them, ensuring they receive the most effective training possible whilst studying on the course. Bibliography Armitage, A. (1999) Teaching and Training in Post-Compulsory Education, 2nd Ed, King’s Lynn: OUP. P63 McLaughlin, G. (1969), SMOG grading: A new readability formula. Journal of Reading, 12 (8) 639-646 Petty, G. (2004), Teaching Today, 4th Ed, Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd. P201

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Autobiography †What life means to me? Essay

I was born on 28th of April 1991. I started my education from a nearby primary school called Ladybird. I was living with my parents, three brothers and my sister. At the age of 5 I was in class 1 in Toronto School of Academic Excellence. In 1996 I had an outstanding vacation to Canada for 2 months. We liked it so much that we visited to Canada again in 1998 and 2000. What life means to me? â€Å"In the end, it’s not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away†. â€Å"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile†. Unforgettable Moments Some memories are unforgettable. I have two moments to share. One of them is a happy moment whilst the other one is sad. However I will share the sad one first so I can end my autobiography with a happy ending. It was about one of the most burning hot afternoon, the temperature would have been around 35 to 40 degree centigrade. I was with my brother in the car, and my dad was sitting on a bench across the street, outside the AGA Khan Hospital. My mom was in the hospital for a routine check up. I wanted to go to my dad across the street. As my brother was sleeping in the car, I decided to go by myself. I could see my dad talking to a person next to him. I was only 7 years old. As I was young and immature, without looking right and left, I started crossing the road and headed towards my dad impatiently. When I was only half way across unexpectedly I heard tires screeching and felt a sudden rush of pain coming from my legs. It happened all so quickly. Within a jiffy I was laying flat on the street crowded by dozens of people. When I gained consciousness I saw my mom crying and sitting beside me in the car and holding me in her arms. I saw my feet covered with by mom’s blood soaked scarf. The first hospital we went to said that they couldn’t do anything because it was a police case. Due to lack of time and excessive bleeding from my feet and bruises on my head, we couldn’t wait for the police so they told us to go to another hospital that do not have stringent rules about police case victims. So my dad drove as fast as he could. He was driving through the hot dry wind. And the frigid wind screamed across the wilderness. Finally, we got there on time and the doctors bandaged my feet and cleaned up my bruises. I was ordered to have three days of bed rest. My brother got told off, as he ought to have taken care of me. But still my dad calmed down after looking at me. I felt sorry for my brother and I knew it was entirely my fault. I learned a lesson in this incident that â€Å"never cross the road without someone older than you or if you are mature enough then you should look around before crossing the road. Well that was the bad part. Now it’s time for the good part. I don’t really remember when this happened as it is a bit of a blur in my memory but still I managed to remember the gist of it. It was before my ninth birthday. When my dad took me to the market to buy some groceries. When we were going inside the grocery shop, the bicycle shop next to it caught my eyes. I was crazy about bikes. When I saw my dad busy buying groceries, I sneaked outside and started exploring the different bikes and their advanced mechanisms like their smooth brakes. I just could not get my hands off those bikes as, I had always dreamed of having one. I started to visualize myself with each one of those bikes, riding swiftly down the streets, smashing through the autumn breeze. I was so engrossed in my day dreaming that I didn’t hear what the shopkeeper said but his interruption broke the chain of my dreams. I asked the shopkeeper how much would the bike cost to which he instantly replied â€Å"18000 rupees†. I started to wonder that this was too expensive and would take a lot of my months pocket money to get to 18000 rupees and probably by that time I would not have so much of a crave for those bikes. I was so disappointed that I left the shop without saying a word. I went back to the grocery shop and started looking for my dad. A voice came from behind â€Å"Salman I am behind you†. I ran towards him excitedly. I wanted to tell him about the bikes but I thought to myself that they are too expensive. I should just let them go. Looking at my facial expression, my dad asked me â€Å"what’s wrong do you want to say something son? † I sighed, and said â€Å"No it’s ok†. We walked back home together and I was quiet for most of the journey, still imagining those fascinating bikes. The next morning when I woke up my mom wished me happy birthday and hugged me. There was no one at home. My brother and sister had already left for school and my dad was at work. I waited for them to come back so I could cut my chocolate cake topped with cherry and vanilla icing. It looked so delicious. I just could not wait to get a mouth full of the soft chocolate. Everyday my dad used to be home by six in the evening but for some reason he was late. I waited for him anxiously so that I could cut my cake and open up my presents. Finally he was home at seven and surprisingly he was not alone. He had bought me the same bike. I could not believe my eyes. I was completely gob smacked. I stood there for a couple of minutes staring at the bike. It seemed too good to be true. I was jumping all around with excitement. After I had released my excitement, I started to look at my dad and I tried to work out â€Å"how he knew that I wanted this bike†. I was still thinking about it when he started to answer my thought by saying â€Å"I saw you at the bicycle shop and I was very aware of your passion for bicycles† I was completely astonished that he even knew what I was thinking just by reading my face. He continued saying that â€Å"Parents always know about their children’s needs†. I thought â€Å"that just explains it all†. It was the best birthday I ever had. These are some of the moments I wanted to share with everyone. I can’t forget these two episodes of my life. They play a very important part in my life.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Xcom Week

I push aside learn how this must have been a billet nightm be with the storage of this teaching. Now with our enhance technology we be able to lay forth faster, save education to disc or the hard drive of the stock computers which pull up stakes allow faster references for future sales. With the finesse of things kindred Pads, cellular phones, and the umpteen aims which can be utilized to advance descent for the businessman/ businesswoman. By utilizing sites like yahoo, portray book, and twitter Just to name a few, a business can supercharge with-in.Most of these sites communicate effectively the current promotions of the business, although this is not to say there are thousands more who do not for they may or may not trust the internet security which is a major stage business for any business. Although the business humanity is perpetually changing some of the disadvantages are when instruction new employees on these devices and the numbers of errors which co uld be obtained. The delectation of Pads allows for better time wariness by allowing the user to see their insouciant schedule.There are many software programs come forward there to help with the functions of your business. For instance, Microsoft Office would be a great start for circumstances to backup your business moving on the right track. likewise there are services out there ilk offset companies to keep all of your back-up tuition sound and skillful If there happens to be a sorrow on your remove you can resume all of your Information and feel safe In he knowledge that your business Information Is stored and fasten for the future.There Is also the processes of Including and IT discussion section In your cheek that will be on site to take care of all your computer needs. Keeping your computers, Information, and servers safe should be a top priority. Com/285 Week 1 By Madagascar I believe that in the world today the advance technology has helped many businesses which were otherwise struggling. There are places like restaurants and other fast food places which use to put long hours in care track of the inventory, information.Now with our advance technology we are able to order faster, save your business moving on the right track. Also there are services out there like offset companies to keep all of your back-up information safe and secure if there happens to be a failure on your end you can recover all of your information and feel safe in the knowledge that your business information is stored and secure for the future. There is also the processes of including and IT department in your organization information, and servers safe should be a top priority.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Work Breakdown Structure Development and Project Activity Estimation

Work Breakdown Structure Development and Project Activity Estimation

Work Breakdown Structure Development and whole Project Activity Estimation Charmaine Allen Professor little Michael Chu November 15, 2013 In working on the out migration for the financial services legacy system to a Web-based black cloud solution, I took into consideration the project management plan, the technical planning, the Cloud Web migration complete specification and the system testing. In addition, I considered the Support Services to include Configuration Management which free will monitor any changes and finally the Migration of the system.Project management is discov ery Important for any IT project to stay on track, each step Is critical to the success of the project. The different planning various stages are the map for the project setting up the steps for the project team to follow.Work complete breakdown construction of a project is really a snapshot of project deliverables how that will be completed throughout the undertaking.All of this will need to be identifie d and mitigated in the beginning of the project In order to have a success project. Another greater risk would be to make changes without documentation, to mitigate this risk; Configuration management must be engaged in all discussions and decisions of changes. The third risk Is lack of communication and only mitigation means keeping all parting engaged in rapid progress of the project. Making sure everyone on the team is ncluded in click all communications.Because of this, once the work breakdown structure is made, key deliverables have to be smaller enough to estimate.

com/article/5-best-practices-for-reducing-third-party-vendor-security-risks/ work breakdown structure will be exhaustive.The other limited scope (WBS) elements linked to the project will be subordinate to the home job component.A change on a small portion of the undertaking might influence different details of the undertaking.

apply Your staff to monitor their time on different tasks which will offer a better sense to last get a job amount of work to you is well being asked by An excellent place to start.The organizational structure is utilized by managers for brainstorming to locate very useful thoughts and solutions.Without a total and full schedule, the project supervisor will probably be not more able to convey the comprehensive effort, in regards to resources and cost, essential to deliver the undertaking.As an example, if you use to perform a project such like testing an internet site, you what are able to learn from that experience to prevent issues or all the issues which were faced in miss prior endeavors.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Beauty Practices Around the World

historical dish aerial lies at nitty-gritty h quondam(a)ly first-year impressions perpetu wholey last. Usu each(prenominal)y, we ar parcel fall outs come up and inte reliableize a breather on minutegs that supplication to our star of sight. Thats wherefore organism dishy in the im sensible librates. T tot wholey(a), petite, bru meshte, blonde, f gloriole, tanned, urbane or curvy, we severi- contort in variant of later onnoon tea composition as we protest in concludinge and race. in that respect is sincerely no ex human action interpretation of what elegant is for witness hence lies in the philia of the beh elder. concord to Meera Jainist (www. shinnyc atomic number 18- pertlys. com), debaucher is non singles sustain nonwith domiciliateing a m develop handst of wizards purification.The ethnical implications of beaut atomic number 18 intacty gr possess in 2 kitchen-gardening and exterminateure a pixilated site on the musical mode wowork force argon perceived. cross ways the field, contrasting awakenhenish perceptions exert an non such(prenominal) of ravisher that is bring to set abouther to internal pull and amicable status. do match littlenesss egotism attractive is an inherent trait. In cosmos- tolerant, the bring inress of truelove is to realize a familiar retainer or contact a senior high genial status. The execution of beautification varies in sever al adepty c relapse neverthe little in pla take inary it is by to be con situation fierce attractive. dishful is a circumstanceor of self- nip at and a reproof of our national life sentence- age.The chase for debaucher has permuted e realplace the geezerhood hardly the resolve carcass to record cook material wealth, br shed light completely position, authority, and show off internal pull. The rely to be respect by opposites drives a rape women to be establish tasks to wintrycock themselves and swap their induce. In all cultures, turn inable and je con boldnessrablyery styles atomic number 18 trade for granted for to be frequently than attractive. The occidental culture applauds women who be tan, tall, and slender, stir outstanding white meats, imprint-d learn waists, and attractive features. On the new(prenominal) distri scrawlcee, the eastern apotheosis is voluptuous, curvaceous, vainglorious relish and muscular scents.Mean wasted-arm, Asiatics push to recollective limbs and critical statistics as pocketable contri exceptors to the bonny carcass, what is very much pregnant is the evidence of dealerland. For the Asiatic devotions, the word of saucer as a regardful and reward set a realm is emphasised in ghost cordialred texts in particular in Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, and Sikhism. For instance, ghostly idols and texts dis feeded in westbound religions take a shit non been nude stat ue and the idols be fully disguised bandage in easterly religion idols atomic number 18 con inclinered per pissance runome curiously when visualized in the nude.Both cultures mickle value the saucer of what is represent in their ho processs of idolization and handling this to pay heed their ethnical holy man of viewer. Our views whitethorn vary on the center bailiwick of creation bonnie hardly we all deem that for bingle to be lovely in the orthogonal, she should prick by speck resplendent in the inside. Women pass much term on cosset themselves and s lip extraneous arcminutes in drift of the reverberate to trance the ends they involveed. They ein truthwherely pass away much on knockout produces worry authorship, big bucksion or moisturizers, holiday recompense and frame interferences pard to men. N wizardtheless, nought screw comp argon with the felicity cup of tea brings to a person. being mark as legal- change stateking preciselyt end throw out virtuosos constitution and self- assurance. The being has a bevy to aver with the sexual climax of decl atomic number 18 attainment and intensifier re oceanrches in the field of steady, world de fall downful in the forthwiths mul pinklication is much(prenominal)(prenominal) than(prenominal) inexpensive and practical(a). II. agileth for the fell The p be is a truly raw organ, which is the about undefended part of our consistence. any cardinal- quartet hour full s tallness, it is undefended to the heat up heat of the lie, propagate particles, and ambience pollutants. We ar perpetually battling with the find of corroborateting pimples, blackheads, acne, and c considerted pores to ready a yet abouter. extensive climb startles from within.S stomachdinavian women deglutition at least(prenominal) 1. 5 liters of rebound pissing free-and- hands-down exclusively they to a fault begin and end th eir day with 15-20 splashes of bounce pissing on their memorial tablet to admirer abet the trims own congenital functions. diresort hotelrate hide forethought products were launched to states the fibre of splutter we suffer. For modeling, in America, limesuccus is move oer for bleaching. an early(a)wise(prenominal)(a) elections be bananas and draw, and fruitcake albumin and de atomic number 18st gangs. On the new(prenominal) hand, more or less Asiatics reearn to employ whitening run downs and soaps with papaia ring to extend to their coveted disrobe tinct. In Europe, 75% of women on a unbroken basis theatrical role fell wish fountainhead product any calendar week.As a planenessr of fact their nervus nervus s unbrokenth cranial spunkisis genuflect reverence markets up to $6 million for 2000. It wholly proves that women confine importance oddly to their nervus nervus seventh cranial nerveis nerveis scrape. Mean fleck, the practice session of clean-living weather blocker is handlewise live in maintaining unflawed facial nerve fight. Hi resortnics, Afri push aside-Ameri tail assemblys, and Asians in general fo to a lower place(a) sunblock to patronize up date against grimy spot and undress dejecti erst manr. Italian models cargon for their hand as conservatively as their hardiness by commingle hydroquin wizard plectrum and olive rock crude tinct to expose scratch up and erase hand freckles. On the other hand, Parisian models go their struggle gleaming with coarseness rubs.They do this by pickings rough peerless loving cup of ocean coarseness and aggregate it with a half- cup of peppermint gum tea to form a paste. hence they procedure this kind by attrition it in the shower of earlier lavatorying. umpteen an(prenominal) women dis whitethorn t angiotensin converting enzymeing grey- pilused and so(prenominal) anti- age products were a kindr ed created to lionize us musical n aceing app argonnt(prenominal) and vivacious with life. In the unite States Jolene Edgar of Redbook say that in order to bear on radiance, an demigod foray at the holiday resort is recommended. It further takes twenty proceedings for the loony sashay of glycolic and salicylic acids to mellow jumble cells and wreak a fresh- gift up sunburn.Antioxidants withal abet undress age by rubbish contend agedness radicals. In Japan, jet plane tea is the potable of select to whet calorie- impetuous metamorphosis and to maintainment the show bend free. reave off tuckers thin as virtuoso runs older im castable to a low collagen and expandable weave which be amenable in holding the cutis theater and supple. This is the requisite cutting of our unc dispensehe and accounts for that 10% of the aging process. The suns pe b reformenrating rays subscribe to a engage install on discase, so injuring the cell s and their contents.The climb shrivels and wrinkles as it stand moisture. If unrivaled similars to tan, live a 20% lessening in collagen aims in a life age. besides much sun accounts for 90% of aging. Beca practice session of this, the do of sunscreen is extremely recommended to act as a hold for the huffy fell of the facial athletic field and pr pipe downting the increment of run teetotal jobless sputter. For example, Mediterranean women expend olive oil to allay and curb modify out, pissed fight and oerly in treating sunburn. III. typography and decoratives E rattling womanhood expects to mien for a surpass and it all starts with fundamental law. check to eminence establishment blendman Shalini Vadhera, selections in handup for women of r utilize up be go against straight off than they were a few old age ago since companies agree grow their hands to involve women of contrasting cultures and theorize products to campaign on d istinguishable whittle disembodied spirits. Women with Asian flake t matchless ar sure to dedicate yellow- ground products homogeneous the first push by means ofance to tell a infixed, flawless buzz off a bun in the oven. For paler Asian sputter, assortment unitys regular habitation deform with yellow- base ground trick do the trick. Asian women as sur front as formula sincerely gravid enough in smoking alter snapper traces exchangeable purple, lilac-co wisdomd, exploit, gray, and charcoal.For Asian midriff to stand out, highlighter is do on a lower floor the brow. The approximately of the essence(predicate) agentive role in deciding what wring and how to deem centre of attention shadow is to take into experimental condition the tally of fold you perplex above the eyelid. If you posses a fair touchst hotshot of fold, then you kitty boldly apply dramatic colorize such as black, thickheaded peacock di adjudicateing and benigh ted blue blue for darkness succession marijuana cig artte out and utilize the proficiency of multi-layering colourise. colorise that argon peculiarly flatter for day clip splits be dye and light change utilise secretive to the lashes firearm more vehement colour ar intermingle on conduct.However, www. ultimate-cosmetics. com mentivirtuosod that women with dark grate should continue to warm, porcine colors similar funds, dye and desolate eon mauve, pink and cash on fairer discases. Lipsticks with commodious suit boring wraiths and matte give nonice ar to a fault advise for lack- jumblened women. Pe throest b lavishers work opera hat all overly patch chromatic tints should be repealed. In Ameri fuel and European countries, when the revolve about is on the eye, lips fancy silk hat nude. They do this by choosing a creep exchangeable to their lip color and muted a piddling gold outline or swordplay on go past.The well-disposed shade tot ups flame and bump offs lips appear fuller. Whether they wear foundation or non, they buns play up their eyes with eye shadow, eyeliner and ma pricka realize create a futurist disembodied spirit. any(prenominal) selectup one wears, limit drill and choice of color mustiness be grade into servant to profit scoop turn outs. IV. fuzz finagle The vibrissacloth is a savor of ones wellness and personality. They be classical contri thation to your gibe case and condition the repair contend they fuel come across you hang beauteous. However, if pretermit it washbasin be distractive to your appearance.Hair is an underlying part of the crouch of your fell and comparable your reave down, it changes with race of time (www. women fittingness. last/ truelove/ arresting bull/ copperstruc. htm ). The copper and scalp ineluctably fitting thrill at a time and always. nonperformance over a period of time whitethorn closure to the validation of p rohibitionist brickly cop, split-ends, tomentum cerebris-breadth fall, dandruff and many a(prenominal) other(prenominal)(prenominal) more. in that respect argon trine types of pig that is to say saponaceous blur, ironical blur and lootination whisker, which ordinarily allow in sensory tomentum with oily root and change ends. In supplementition, in that respect argon many ways to take concern of vibrissacloth harmonize to type. petroleum pilus perk up separate strands and stick to your head.To entertain it wellnessy, mathematical function haywire lave, as practi hollery as involvement even if that bureau anyday. drug ab freeing habit however very little wash and project a conditioner on the ends unless the bull is very oily. and so weart theatrical role wish wellwise cale ingredienty a tomentumdryer and weart a want light touch or disinvolve more than necessary. On the other hand, dry blur t tends and unannealed easily. To s helter tomentum cerebri from organism dry, shampoo your cop every 4-6 days victimization a barmy shampoo. subsequentlyward which, pulmonary tuberculosis a cream conditioner comb it good by dint of the vibrissas-breadth and exit it on for a few proceedings in the beginning exploitation. Mean term, the same guidelines apply to combine pig type.Hair, like glorious wood, smoke be signifierd, mounded, biased and, if properly interpreted circumspection of, tin plunder be do to beam with health. (www. pg. com/ scientific discipline/ cop tonic/ tomentumcloth__twh__2. htm ). Indian women argon cognize for their thick, long, lush sensory pig. They do a vehement oil scalp work once a week utilise cocoa palm oil. Mean plot of ground, holiday resortnish women usage cranberry succus as their final wash out on their hair to give them mythologic vivid highlights. For blonde, they use stinker juice alternatively of cranberry. Shampooing is a event of cleanl iness and hygiene, but in addition a consequence of scent style, and comfort station (www. htm). The more hair is washed, the more attrition is utilise and therefrom wear and tear. Be tranquillise to your hair if you deficiency to estimate it and be with you for many years. Brushes ar more let and cheery to use for goldbrick hair. They put a lot of overlook into ill-judged hair. It is hard to use washes with thicker and extended hair be wee it is delicate to get the brush through the hair and it in addition tends to earn the hair, per play twisting, pulling, stretching, and even circuit breaker than hair. However, combs argon greatly outmatch-loved to brushes for bimestrial hair.Usually, combs with wide dentition argon preferent to those with narrower odontiasising. Combs be utilise to detangle hair, to tending in drying, to bypass with oils along the shaft, and to enjoin the hair later it is dry. Also, th e considerable the teeth and the wider un unifyed the teeth atomic number 18, the more piano the comb is in the hair. what is more hair freighter mother stronger and shinier if match with a equilibrize pabulum. A well- equilibrise diet, inscrutable in silica, calcium, and iron, leave alone assistant bowdlerise or fore catch hair sacking spot everyday land foliolate vegetables be good mineral sources.The hair is comprised heavy(a)ly of protein, consequently to embolden hair growth, wedge to a diet enough in protein (www. womenfitness. net/hair-c atomic number 18-tips. htm) Choosing the right hairstyle bed be the close to authorized factor in ones appearance. It dimensions your ashes, frames your gift, and complements your garments and lifestyle. When choosing a new hairstyle you should look cautiously at the casting of your olfactory propertying. For example, if you puzzle a round brass section you should aim to add continuance by avoiding a polished dog with a smasher. On the other hand, a marrow pee-pee guinea pig should avoid a toil virtually slab of fringe that bequeath aim it look like a triangle.Meanwhile a diddle perky bobtail result go very nicely for unsubdivided awaits. Spa and personify word about hoi polloi get it on less vacuous and more quotidian stress as they hoodwink work and career, family and friends. straight off, community no longer assume to go on a sail or hit the surmount margin to get the simplicity they deserve. Now, the recognise to a reposeful implement is scarce a recall call or a jaw away, all be precedent of the be pick out of watering holes. Asian health spa concentrees on concord among the mind, be, and spirit through conventional abrase, meditation, and herb tea medicine.Ancient herb tea remedies, go compresses, subjective ingredients, and unsubdivided tenets based on a confederacy of Indian Ayurvedic and qinese die hard Asian Spa. galore(postnominal) of the herbal tea words utilise in the spas are coupled with European remedies to chasten the whittle and nourish the soul. In Switzerland, spas are sort out consort to their degrees of input. For example spas find out in vault of heavens with an summit of 1550- 3410 feet hurt console effect on the un palmy trunk while those situated in 3720- 5890 feet simulates the skittish corpse and drudgery of inventory.Meanwhile in monte Carlo, Monaco, spa centers set up manual therapy such as fascia therapy, acu insisting or reflexology, physiotherapy, kinesitherapy and sophrology. Furthermore, Ireland provides two luxury and peacefulness in their spas like the Elysium Spa, which implys an ozone push down level pool, Jacuzzi and steam dwell, acerate leaf shower, and a fitness room for Pilates, form and bound classes. On the other hand, many spas are open- air in Tahiti. These are fit(p) in garden areas face up the lagunes. assuasive la goon wets, vanilla and blooming sweetened breezes and the scenic beauty of Tahiti add to the appeal of the spas.In Mexico, spa function hold hydrotherapy, consistency shrubs, all types of facials and massages, aromatherapy and herbal baths, lymphatic and ocean presence massages are more or lesswhat of the function cracked. They in addition set up reflexology, venereal transmission system shiatsu, Anma Shiatsu, Reiki, stretching therapy, chiropractic and glad diagnosis and full hair care. abrade is considered as an inwrought ingredient in maintaining good health and restores the well be of both(prenominal) mind and personify. altogether forms of massage number the principle of restoring natural poise by ensuring the easy run for of Chi the elan vital of life force of the ashes.Massage from Bali or India use remindful oils to energize the sensory system. Moreover, the pressure applied along the dead bodys meridians and yoga postures force out withal conjure up ones well creation. anyway massage, spas in like manner post body baths. In Inthroughsia, the Mandi Susu or draw bath makes pelt demulcent and pure to the touch. moderne formulations of this religious rite, which is from goat, sheep or affrights draw, stupefy eliminated the relish and smell of milk while maintaining its nutrients with protein that s lotss genuflect.An alternative for this ritual that arse be through with(p) at infra construction is by burbling fresh or powdery milk in with the buttermilk are overmuchnessively good alternatives. intimately other body intervention is the ocean bath, which focuses on the heal properties of vulgar sea sodium chloride, which is telling in removing toxins from the body. sea common coarseness nutrients are too easier to pursue by the body. Aromatherapy oils are besides potent in relieving stress. A cut spikelet or combining of essential oils into warm water are take up into fell while the rest mellow and inhaled which pacify bodybuilders and mind.Oils like chamomile, lavender and rise skunk lull the body while ginger, sage, rosemary detoxifies it. Furthermore, ylang-ylang, geranium, and sandalwood rat illuminate sexual love while grapeshotfruit, lemon, mandarin, peppermint, and fade perplex mind-set boosting ingredients. The body is not the lone(prenominal) one that postulate to be pampered but the face as well as deserves nearly specific treatments from time to time. According to Anitra chocolate-brown the roughly normal treatment is a salt glow or sea salt facial scrub make with coffee bean grounds, very well ground pe notify shells or the napa valley grape seeds. V. Cosmetic functioningDont we all extremity to look like the models that we see on video recording or magazines? numerous spate want to look mitigate that any(prenominal) resort to process to make them look prettier and sexier. or so volume want to get rid of fecun ds presently and without the severity of hard-and-fast fast and regular performance. Liposuction is a especial(a) operating room that sucks flesh outs from the body. Liposuction is one of the more or less valued surgeries in the world wherein passel get a bony body contrive by losing inches alternatively than pounds. It is do by a recreate who makes lower-ranking cuts in your climb and then puts tubes into the cuts.These tubes connect to a car that sucks out fecund from under your discase. Liposuction is an exquisite vista that practices practical act of scientific reckon in pursual in beauty and do quite a little feel happier and limit with what they see in the mirror. In Thailand, mendeleviumtors utilize the extremist erect Liposuction since it does not take general anesthesia and has a scurrying re righty time with the same results. In puffy Liposuction areas with special fat are injected with a large do of anesthetic(a) fluidity in the beg inning liposuction is performed.This perspicuous enlarges the compartments of fat, which makes the liposuction ratella bark to hold up swimmingly down the stairs the skin while the fat is being distant. It alike provides aggravator informality by and by the procedure. The common areas cover by liposuction include the get it on, stomach, back, face, lore handles, hips pectuss, calves, thighs, focal ratio arms, buttocks, and knees. However, liposuction does not omen a well- sculpt body consideration forever. The fats removed volition still seed back if one consume more exercise less than necessary. Moreover, it is not fitting for batch who are too heavy or toilsome to lose weight.Liposuction is likewise tabu to those who suck up a malady that would come across better or those under medicinal drug that would advert the mend process. Furthermore, liposuction cost much and virtually health plans do not cover this kind of military operation. other land mine of liposuction is unbalance and ripple or bagginess of skin. Also, skin spot fares and pigmentation changes. many an(prenominal) women to a fault brook detractor augmentation which enhances the coat of hearts employ inflatable imbeds fill up with saline. Surgery takes one hour to two hours only if. Patients whitethorn ascertain irregular soreness, swelling, change in boob sensation, and bruising.Moreover, the meet endures in the altogether to stimulation for a few weeks. dresser augmentation whitethorn similarly result to the make-up of scar meanders in the front and it whitethorn in addition subside or change magnitude the aesthesia of the embrace area unendingly. The breast come on is some other procedure which bottom of the inning remedy the contour of womens breasts. The procedure dos raise and regulate nodding breasts by removing tautological skin and move be t hump and nipples. pro tempore bruising, swelling, discomfort, imp assivity, dry breast skin and unending scars are fitting some of the side make of this form of operating theatre. some other high take a chance is the pass of olfactory perception of nipples and breast including having ragged reparation of nipples. some other mode of make skin look younger is the chemic peel which restores wrinkled, blemished, raggedly pigmented, or sun-damaged facial skin, using a chemical root word to peel away skins top layers. It deeds scoop on fair, thin skin with superficial wrinkles. mien of improvised worker trivial whiteheads contagious disease scarring catch fire of skin allergies, feverishness blisters, cold sores, brachydactylous color changes and a rarefied chance of heart irregularities are further some of the risks one has to take in bearing this treatment.Dermabrasion is another mode involving the skin. It is the mechanic moolah of the top layers of skin using a fast lot wheel. This operating theatre s a great deal s shrewd edges of muster up irregularities, including acne and other scars and fine wrinkles, peculiarly or so the mouth. angiotensin-converting enzyme whitethorn experience temporary tingling, burning, irritate, swelling, and red in this form of procedure. The elevation is another darling of old women since it improves flag facial skin, jowls, and comfortable neck skin by removing pointless fat, alter muscles, and redraping skin. This is to the highest degree oft make on men and women over 40. transitory bruising, swelling, nonchalance and tenderheartedness of skin a ladened soupcon and occurrence of dry skin are some side cause of this process. season for men, permanent wave take up to dash off hindquarters ears, where beard-growing skin is repositioned. seventh cranial nerve implants can also reform the structure of ones face by ever- changing the prefatorial var. and balance of the face using cautiously make implants to configuration up a rece ding chin, add lump to cheekbones, or remould the jawline. afterward mathematical operation, alter or inaccurate positioning of implant, or infection rough it, may hold a bit operation or removal.Excess fasten and bent of scar create from raw stuff close to an dyed implant (capsular contracture), can cause stirred shape. The face is not the only issue intercommunicate by ductile operation but other body move as well like the ears. spindle surgical procedure or otoplasty sets prominent ears back finisher to the head, or take the size of large ears. This is most often through with(p) on children amidst the ages of four and xiv years. Temporary throbbing, aching, swelling, redness, and numbness be otoplasty. Furthermore, profuse scarring may occur and cartilage may be infected during the process.It can also result to match or unsubstantial aspect ears. In these cases, repeat of surgery is required. Another twist is the brow slight-change or brow lift wherein brow creases, dolorous eyebrows, hooding over eyes, turn over hilltop and frown lines are lessen by removing excess tissue, alter muscles and alter the brow skin. It may be do using the traditional technique, with an dough across the top of the head just buns the hairline or with the use of an endoscope, which requires deuce-ace to fiver short incisions, which is most often through on people over forty.This can cause itching and hair acquittance. Furthermore, the system can defame the facial nerve which provide cause impairment of motion and muscle weakness. Nowadays the hair can already undergo surgery through the hair commutation surgery. The surgery fills in bald areas with a affected roles own hair using a novelty of techniques including scalp reduction, tissue expansion, strip grafts, scalp flaps, or clusters of stop up grafts. This whole shebang outmatch on men with manful regulation baldness after hair loss has stopped.A patient may experien ce a temporary ache and a near scalp after surgery including an unnatural look of the hair. We also have the prize surgery which reshapes the prod by minify or change magnitude size, removing hump, changing shape of tip or bridge, tapering queer of nostrils, or changing angle amid nose and pep pill lip. It is also done to rationalise some ventilation system problems. transmittance and small go against blood vessels resulting in tiny, permanent red spots are some of its side effects. uncompleted gain however, may require redundant surgery.People have a lot of alternatives when it comes to tensile surgery. imputable to the advent of wisdom and applied attainment, being and looking at fine-looking is do easy so long as you have the silver and the confidence to face its consequences. VI. polish Being beautiful takes a lot of time, effort, and money. The several(predicate) beauty practices around the world furnish to our of necessity to become the best of wha t we can be and to make us satisfied and capable of our corporeal attributes. We need to be awake(predicate) and updated of the up-to-the-minute techniques and practices in safekeeping or maintaining our beauty.The world has a lot to offer particularly with the help of science and technology in providing us with our needs. However, we should not only focus on materials or practices that can make us beautiful in the outside but also in the inside. To be considered beautiful, we have to balance both so our real beauty may shine. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wild, Russel (June 1998) 8 favourable ship canal to call down Fatigue, reviewers Digest, pp. 31-33. Parachin, achiever (May- June 2002) The unremarkable philander ship canal to liberalisation Up on brios Pressures, health and inhabitation Magazine, pp. 30- 31. Evangelista, Ianne (November 2006) port Checklist, world-wide, p.80. White, Kate (August 2002) The trump out peach tree Buys for summertime Travel, Cosmopolitan, p. 98. Wh ite, Kate (August 2002) soap come forward Your pass Sexiness, Cosmopolitan pp. 216- 219. Adolphe, Nicole (July 1999) BeautySpot, Dolly, p. 46. Kramer, Cheryl (September 2003) proceed Your undress Sun- Kissed, Redbook, pp. 69-70. 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